A framework to design regenerative platform business models. Like I anticipated in this first article, my intention with this work is to provide a framework to design regenerative platforms, for those who have a platform and want to understand how to become regenerative and the ones who have a traditional regenerative business model and want to […]
With the advent of the sharing economy, platforms have become more complex, linking multiple entities, standardizing transactions, and pooling some services. These platforms have expanded their value proposition by including insurance, financing, and banking services while creating ecosystems of third-party applications that enable producers to accomplish their work more efficiently, conveniently, and affordably in a single location.
Platform strategies make sense in bureaucratic, high barriers of entry and disaggregated markets.
According to the World Economic Forum, 70% of new value created in the economy over the next decade will be based on digitally enabled platform business models.
In its nature is a compelling ecosystem value-creation-coordination model that, used well, can generate a distributed and significant positive impact, thanks to network effects.