I have been around the collaborative economy for more than a decade, later Platform Economy, helping organizations of all kinds in the adoption of this new mindset.
As an advisor of big corporations, I bring the platform mentality to the company building the internal capabilities to think systemic, in a relationship of real guidance and support.
Expert evaluator of the European Commission under the H2020 program, URBACT validated expert, the network of cities sharing and applying sustainable principles.
Professor at business schools such as ESADE and EADA and an international lecturer and keynote speaker.
I have participated in the design of public policies with the European Commission, the IDB, CIPPEC, and some local governments such as the Generalitat de Catalunya.
I am an expert on new emerging trends under the umbrella of the platform economy, what is happening internationally with examples and have a wide network of trusted international collaborators.
As an independent consultant, I helped any kind of organization in designing platform-ecosystem strategies.
In the last 2 years, I have been researching the intersections between regenerative design and platform design in order to provide a framework for those who have a platform and want to understand how to become regenerative and the ones who have a traditional regenerative business model and want to become a platform.
Reach me out if you are a private or public organization,interested in having consultancy, mentoring, lectures or conferences on these new trends and, how to apply them to your own context.
Cuando viajamos intentamos conservar y preservar el lugar al cual viajamos. Lucia nos propone ir un paso más allá: el turismo regenerativo. En su charla nos explica en qué consiste y también qué es el diseño regenerativo y porque nos debería importar. Experta en Economía de Plataforma y Diseño Regenerativo. Consultora para la ONU.
The collaborative economy was born as a set of practices that put the citizen at the centre of the production of value, soon also became an interesting business model to copy. In this interview, we analyze the impact of the platform economy and how designing the right public policies, could benefit producers, consumers and the company itself.
Lucía Hernández, one of the greatest connoisseurs of the collaborative economy, was interviewed in 2016 at the Hemispheric Congress in Miami, an event organized by CAMACOL, The Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States, with the presence of the main chamber delegatestrade.