Regenerative Travel Agencies

Travelling is one of the most expanded experiences you can have throughout your life, whether short trips to a nearby town or long-distance trips to remote destinations. Choosing the destination, what to visit, what to eat, what things you can’t miss, asking for recommendations, sometimes you prefer to organize it yourself, other times you leave […]

Regenerative Finances

Looking at the current Fintech ecosystem reminds me of the beginning of the platform economy where there were a thousand projects coming out covering specific verticals. Andrew Parker mapped the platform economy startups in an article in 2010, called “The Disaggregation of Craiglist”. A lot has happened since then but there are patterns in the […]

Regenerative Platform Design Principles

A framework to design regenerative platform business models. As I anticipated in this first article, my intention with this work is to provide a framework for designing regenerative platforms for those who have a platform and want to understand how to become regenerative and those who have a traditional regenerative business model and want to become a […]

Regenerative Platform Business Models

The next generation of platforms What I am going to talk about today is a concept of natural and organic evolution that fits with our inner desires to “do good”, to take care of our living systems, of ourselves and our peers, with love and compassion, as if everything matters, coming back to our roots […]

What Regenerative Tourism is?

Platform Design

Live system vs Mechanistic system We live in a lively and complex dynamic system, whose interconnected parts work together with a superior objective repeating a series of patterns. Nature has its own laws for regeneration or restoration that allow it to learn, restore and evolve, ensuring the sustainability of the entire ecosystem in a mutually […]